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Getting unstuck by Liz Berry
Poetry Judge
Getting unstuck… Sometimes, no matter how long or hard we work on a poem, it...
Winning memoir extracts
More about the writers
Louise Watts, Memoir Winner I have been writing for as long as I can...
Our memoir winners! Congratulations!
We’re thrilled to announce our memoir winners. Congratulations to the prize winners and thank you...
One poem at a time:
how my book got made
I’m not sure I could say exactly how this book got made. On the one...
Memoir shortlist
The final five
Congratulations! Here are the top five shortlisted memoir titles. Well done to all the writers....
Memoir long list!
The top 12
Congratulations! Here are the top 12 titles on our memoir longlist. Well done to all...
Winning The Bridport Prize.
My first real step
to publication
When I won The Bridport Novel Prize in 2018, it was the first time I’d...
Under represented
writer residencies
Dreaming of time to write? “Every writer knows the feeling of squeezing your writing into...
Novel Award
Short List
Congratulations to our five Novel Award shortlisters on their huge achievement. Judging continues anonymously, so...