How to get an Agent
Chapter one. Why am I a leopord? I was once told the following story by...

Our new honorary patron
Kit de Waal
We are very happy to announce Kit de Waal as our new honorary patron.

The Novel Shortlist
Our Fab Five!
The wait was worth it. Welcome to the fab five novels on our short list....

Our Novel Longlist
We’re thrilled to announce the twenty novels on our longlist. Congratulations! Only the titles are...

The view from our writers in residence: Chloe Whiting and Dayal Kindy
CHLOE WHITING I heard about the Dorset Writing Residency from my university’s weekly...

Memoir writing. Keep it legal
By Euan Thorneycroft
Literary Agent
Memoirs are fascinating to read because they are about real people (and sometimes organisations). But...

It’s more than a memoir
When my mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, months before my dad collapsed and died...

Cathy Rentzenbrink’s summer writing tips
1. Get going We are inclined to think we need all the answers before we...

It’s you, your worlds, your characters by Wendy Erskine
Short Story Judge
It’s been said that one of the most chilling declarations you can hear is ...